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Holiday workshop: Celebration of Shiva and Shakti II

The Other Paradise, Koroni Zaga Beach, Messenias, Peloponnes

Connected to your sensuality, you open yourself to the love in your heart and you will find there acceptance for your own nature. This opens you to the mystery of life and ultimately connects you to the infinity of your being.
At a waterfall you will ritually accept yourself as a complete, loving and sensual being in your original naturalness.


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Shakti’s Power

Yoga studio Fabrik Sonntag Fabrik Sonntag, House 3, Waldkirch

The strength of the woman is in her heart and you can discover and celebrate your feminine energies in this workshop.

With self-esteem you can bring a new confidence into your relationships and you find fresh ways of moving towards men and carry creative impulses into your relationships and your life.


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The Joy of Sensuality

Seminar house Abraxas Engelscheuer Mauenheimer Str. 25, Immendingen, Baden-Württemberg

Everyone has a longing for intimate closeness and at the same time it makes us afraid.

In this workshop you will have the opportunity to detach yourself from distancing fears in order to open yourself to love and your playful sensuality in deep encounters.
Allow yourself to be touched by a tender openness in sensual encounters.


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Mahamudra: Tantric Lovers

Seminar house India Escrivao Vaddo, Candolim Bardez, Goa

In this sensitive Tantra workshop you can easily connect with your true nature and inner peace.

When love meets meditation, then Tantric transformation can happen.

Mahamudra is the orgasmic union with the universe: an orgasmic feeling for the whole. You open yourself up to the divine lover within you.


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The Caravan of Love – Embracing your Inner Child

Yoga studio Fabrik Sonntag Fabrik Sonntag, House 3, Waldkirch

We were all born with an immense ability to love and a natural connection to our sexuality.
But from early childhood, you have learned to protect your heart and suppress your sensual vitality to conform to what you think is expected of you.
Primal and touching exercises provide a space for overcoming the past. You can grow up on an emotional and sensual level, arriving in the here and now.


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Vision Quest Day at the Waterfalls

Kataraktes Waterfalls Mavrilimna Road, Charavgi, Peloponnes

This one-day trip to the Polylimnio Waterfalls near Kazarma is a very special experience for most of the participants.

in this enchanting landscape and will use our senses to connect more deeply with our innermost core.
This natural paradise touches a natural long-forgotten liveliness in us.


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Vision Quest Day Halfmoonbeach

Half Moon Beach Petrochori, Pylos, Peloponnes

This one-day trip to the crescent-shaped Ochsenbauch Bay is combined with a festive final restaurant visit in the evening.

It is a spectacular surrounding on the Peloponnese with a fine sandy beach. The sides of the bay are closed by high rocks through which the sea water has paved a way. We'll visit Nestor’s Cave, from where you have a fantastic view.


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Shakti’s Celebration

Yoga studio Fabrik Sonntag Fabrik Sonntag, House 3, Waldkirch

Explore your feminine sexuality in attentive connection to your heart and allow it to blossom. Learn to become a loving sensual being while staying at the same time connected to your strength. Being well connected with your feminine energies gives you a presence of being at ease in front of a man.


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Ayurveda in Manaltheeram Beach Resort

Manaltheeram Ayurveda Beach Village Aazhimala Beach, Kovalam, Kerala

Relax through Ayurvedic treatments at one of the most beautiful beaches in Kerala. Enjoy doing nothing on sun beds under the shade of palm trees by the swimming pool or the sea. Through Ayurveda treatments, a new body consciousness and inner balance develops and you feel like new. Treat your body as a temple.


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Journey to the Heart

Seminar house India Escrivao Vaddo, Candolim Bardez, Goa

This journey to India has the potential for a fundamental inner transformation. Connect with a natural letting go that invites you to live your life as fully and intensely as possible through meditative relaxation. Discover a new quality of life by deepening your love and meditation.


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OSHO International Meditation Resort

OSHO International Meditation Resort 17 Koregaonpark, Pune, MS

It is a unique place for meditation that will support you in your inner transformation. In this oasis for meditation, still and active OSHO-Meditations support you to go deeper and you can easily recharge your batteries with warmth, effortlessness, spontaneity, happiness, serenity and tranquility. Choose from moment to moment what calls you into your inner world.


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Tantric Chakra Journey

Seminar house Abraxas Engelscheuer Mauenheimer Str. 25, Immendingen, Baden-Württemberg

This inner journey shines light on our unconscious behaviour patterns in relationships. It supports you to get in touch with the natural liberating life-energy of your chakras. You understand how chakras are related to your life issues and affect your relationships. As you unfold and balance between their energies, your life intensifies.


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Sensual Tantra-Massage

Seminar room Liebensfreude Freiburg Friedrichring 16-18, Freiburg

Surrendering to the spiritual dimension of sexual energy brings a new level of experience that we want to explore through sensual massages. We honor female and male sexuality and invite respectful mindfulness. Unintentional, slow and loving touches allow you to perceive the flow of your sensual life energy and you can surrender to it.


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Couples workshop: Love and Freedom

Yoga studio Fabrik Sonntag Fabrik Sonntag, House 3, Waldkirch

Open yourself to relationships in which love and freedom strengthen each other.

When you stay aware in moments of difficulty, you don't need to go into avoidance that keeps you from allowing physical and emotional closeness.
You discover how you can be close to someone and free at the same time.


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The Magic of Tantric Transformation

Tierra Cosmica, Spain Casa de los caballos, Camino Alpujata, Monda Malaga, Andalucia

Discover the playfulness of your senses as a path to a fulfilling sexuality. This profound, sensual workshop will support you to meet others in the magic of the moment. In the safe space of wonderful tantric Senses-Rituals, you have the possibility to expand beyond your usual limitations, while exploring yourself and finding out what opens and is true for you in each moment.


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The Secret of Ecstasy

Seminar house Abraxas Engelscheuer Mauenheimer Str. 25, Immendingen, Baden-Württemberg

Giving and receiving of sensual pleasure can transform sexual energy into an ecstatic experience. Are you longing for deep satisfaction in sensual ecstasy and a space of trust where you can let go beyond the usual boundaries? Explore the free flow of your sensuality through riding the tantric wave and learn how to fully enjoy.


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Meditation in the Temples of Hampi

Wellness-Center Nalanda, Goa Nalanda Wellness-Center, Mandrem, Goa

Visit the beautiful temples in south India to deepen your meditation.
Your journey begins in Goa in the Nalanda Wellness Center by the sea. Then you visit Hampi, a dream turned into stone.
In Badami the cultic caves with masterful tantric sculptures will reconnect you with the original tantric vision.


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Holiday workshop: Tantric Love

Wellness-Center Nalanda, Goa Nalanda Wellness-Center, Mandrem, Goa

Tantric transformation can happen when sexual energy meets your love and meditation. This deepens mindfulness in your love relationships. It is a merging with the source of being and the orgasmic union with everything and opens you to the divine lover within you. We also weave elements such as visiting the Friday Night Market, Ecstatic Dance and concerts into the evening programs.


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Ayurveda Holidays Kerala

Manaltheeram Ayurveda Beach Village Aazhimala Beach, Kovalam, Kerala

2-week Ayurveda vacations for Body and Soul in Kerala in beautiful, small and luxurious sea-view garden huts in the shade of the coconut palm trees by the sea.

The Ayurveda treatments bring about a new body awareness and inner balance, you feel rejuvenated, a well-being and light.


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      We need a separate registration for each participant, so if you are coming with your partner, please fill out the form for each person individually.

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