23. November 2017

Shakti’s Celebration

Explore your feminine sexuality in attentive connection to your heart and allow it to blossom. Learn to become a loving sensual being while staying at the same time connected to your strength. Being well connected with your feminine energies gives you a presence of being at ease in front of a man.
22. November 2017

The Mystical Union – Exploration of the Inner Man and Woman

This workshop offers significant and amazing experiences about what it means to fully accept one’s own masculinity and femininity. You look at how your masculine and feminine parts relate to each other. Only when you acknowledge both sides, can a sense of inner oneness arise.
22. November 2017

Tantric Chakra Journey

This inner journey shines light on our unconscious behaviour patterns in relationships. It supports you to get in touch with the natural liberating life-energy of your chakras. You understand how chakras are related to your life issues and affect your relationships. As you unfold and balance between their energies, your life intensifies.
22. November 2017

Tantric New Year: The Fire of Love

We invite you to experience the New Year as a sensual journey to your inner truth, where you can feel the fire of your sexual liveliness, connect to the love in your heart and celebrate yourself in a new presence as a woman or a man. Symbolically we'll unite male and female energies in a beautiful Tantric Ritual, welcoming the new year.
22. November 2017

Holiday workshop: Shiva and Shakti

This tantric journey gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the fascinating interplay of Shiva and Shakti. It can be a powerful experience that awakens joy and liveliness when feminine and masculine energies consciously meet. This enables a deep connection with yourself and others. Learn to meet others from your true being.
22. November 2017

Holiday workshop: Celebration of Shiva and Shakti II

Connected to your sensuality, you open yourself to the love in your heart and you will find there acceptance for your own nature. This opens you to the mystery of life and ultimately connects you to the infinity of your being. At a waterfall you will ritually accept yourself as a complete, loving and sensual being in your original naturalness.
22. November 2017

Tantric Love Workshop

The ecstatic essence of the Tantric vision awakens when you allow yourself to invite the unknown into your relationships. By connecting the harmony of your open heart with the aliveness of your sensuality, the separation of heart and sexuality will dissolve. You begin to immerse yourself in the secrets of feminine and masculine energies.
22. November 2017

Opening to the Heart

Discover new ways to spontaneously express from your heart, and connect in your everyday life with the love and joy of the heart. You will understand your conditioned patterns of how you love and want to be loved, and in which way this can lead to dependency in relationships. Singles and couples can bring their love back to life!