25. May 2018

Mahamudra: The Love of the Buddhas

This holiday workshop differs from other Tantric seminars in that it incorporates Tantric meditation practices. When love meets meditation, then Tantric transformation can happen. Mahamudra is the orgasmic union with the universe: an orgasmic feeling for the whole. You open yourself up to the divine lover within you.
22. November 2017

Tantric New Year: The Fire of Love

We invite you to experience the New Year as a sensual journey to your inner truth, where you can feel the fire of your sexual liveliness, connect to the love in your heart and celebrate yourself in a new presence as a woman or a man. Symbolically we'll unite male and female energies in a beautiful Tantric Ritual, welcoming the new year.
22. November 2017

Opening to the Heart

Discover new ways to spontaneously express from your heart, and connect in your everyday life with the love and joy of the heart. You will understand your conditioned patterns of how you love and want to be loved, and in which way this can lead to dependency in relationships. Singles and couples can bring their love back to life!