Sensuality workshops support you to open up to a deeper connection with yourself and to enjoy real intimacy.
You learn to respect your own and others’ boundaries and begin to understand how you can use the polarity of female and male energies as an inspiration to get in touch with your own inner truth.
I hear the call of the heart, I am afraid and I am curious, I feel something very beautiful and tender! When I hear the voice of the heart, everything happens in the right way. That’s the surprisingly wonderful magic of life!
Feedback from Tara
In a playful way, you can approach being mindful with heart and sensuality in the presence of a partner.
Intimacy Workshops
Conscious Relationships
A weekend workshop for singles and couples in Germany
How far you allow others to approach you, depends a lot on how your own female and male sides are cooperating with each other.
You will explore these parts and their inner connection to each other and recognise how they are reflected in your external relationships.
It’s a whole new path in your love relationships. You learn to understand your inner conflicts and mutual boundaries, and the need to project them onto your partner dissolves.
The insights into the feminine and the masculine deepen in you, and these learn to have a loving relationship with each other. This will make your relationship with your partner more harmonious.
Caravan of Love: The Inner Child
A 4-day workshop in Germany
We were all born with an immense ability to love and a natural connection to our sexuality.
But from early childhood, you have learned to protect your heart and suppress your sensual vitality to conform to what you think is expected of you.
When you shift your presence from the borrowed concepts you carry about yourself from your past social conditioning to the possibilities of this present moment, you will transform wounds that prevent you from fully allowing the aliveness of this loving-sensual being that you are.
Rediscover your essential nature and your unique creative potential.
Sensuality Workshops
The Joy of Sensuality
A 4-day workshop for singles and couples in Germany
Everyone has a longing for intimate closeness and at the same time it makes us afraid.
In this workshop you will have the opportunity to detach yourself from distancing fears in order to open yourself to love and your playful sensuality in deep encounters.
Allow yourself to be touched by a tender openness in sensual encounters.
Noticing our real feelings and respecting the other, are prerequisites to being open to sensual adventures in relationships.

Love and freedom can be lived in a relationship at the same time and indeed enhance each other.
Love and Freedom
A 3-day workshop for singles and couples in Germany
Open yourself to relationships where love and freedom enhance each other.
After the initial stage of falling in love, you often find yourself in dependency patterns, projections, and expectations towards your partner.
Instead of going into such relationship patterns, you detach yourself from the identification with the pain of past relationships. In doing so, you leave behind the inner relationship prison, created by a false understanding of love that you have inherited from society.
If you consciously perceive your fears in moments of difficulty, you do not need to go into avoidance, which prevents you from allowing physical and emotional closeness.
You discover how to be close to someone while allowing yourself freedom.
The Secret of Ecstasy
An advanced 4-day workshop for Tantra-experienced singles and couples in Germany
This workshop for tantra-experienced participants is an opportunity for you to transform your sexual energy into an ecstatic experience by giving and receiving sensual pleasure.
You yearn for deep fulfilment in your sexuality, but you have not learned to create a space of trust that encourages you to expand beyond your usual limitations and fully enjoy the free flow of our sensuality.
Based on the understanding of experiencing your sexuality as a beneficial dimension, you can indulge in sexual excitement: sometimes lively and wild, other times joyful or slow and peaceful.
Like this, sexuality can give you a taste of spiritual liberation.
The Alchemy of Tantra
A 5-day workshop for tantra-experienced singles and couples in Germany
Tantra is a way to connect your sensuality and love with ever higher states of consciousness and thus immerse yourself in a state of deepest bliss. It invites you to recognise the divine essence in yourself and your partner and to use sensuality as a gateway to higher consciousness.
When you encounter the other in their true essence and perceive and appreciate the full being of your partner, you also recognise your own true nature.
The inner union of the masculine and feminine principles deepens because you are ready to let go of your limited ego and dissolve into an infinite space beyond our personality.
Sensuality and unconditional love become a gateway to our highest potential.