Discover your innocent way of relating without conditioning by being in touch with your unique potential.
We were all born with an immense ability to love and a natural connection to our sexuality.
But from early childhood, you have learned to protect your heart and suppress your sensual vitality to conform to what you think is expected of you.
When you shift your presence from the borrowed concepts you carry about yourself from your past social conditioning to the possibilities of this present moment, you will transform wounds that prevent you from fully allowing the aliveness of this loving-sensual being that you are.
Rediscover your essential nature and your unique creative potential!
Our partnerships are influenced by experiences as a child in relationship with your mother and father.
In a loving atmosphere of acceptance, you can receive what you would have needed at that time as a child or teenager to naturally and fully develop on a physical and emotional level as a loving, sensual being.
The layers of the emotional pain from your childhood dissolve layer by layer.
The relationship with your mother affects how you experience your own feminine energy and how you relate to others, and your relationship with your father also has an immediate impact on your relationships.
We disclose experiences that keep us from loving ourselves and attracting self-destructive relationships.
Unconditional acceptance opens your heart and your sensual liveliness.
In your childhood, you have learned to live up to expectations that you felt were addressed to you, meanwhile losing your self-respect.
This creates physical tension, forces you to suppress your true feelings, and brings about unconscious patterns of behavior that keep your life energy from flowing naturally.
Discover your original innocence and experience yourself as a loving, playful sensual being. In doing so, you experience a deep integration that creates a new peaceful inner relaxation.
In order to develop as a loving sensual being, we as teenagers need a good reflection and recognition.
Discover and explore with:
… reconnecting with your childhood
… melting the ice-olation of the protective ego
… allowing yourself to express your needs
… influences in your teenage-period
… making peace with your parents
… true feelings and love and respect for yourself
Primal and touching exercises provide a space for overcoming the past. You can grow up on an emotional and sensual level, arriving in the here and now.
You experience a new inner balance of the body and your emotional world, which you can integrate into your everyday activities and opens you up to new spaces of inner relaxation.