Open yourself to relationships where love and freedom enhance each other.
After the initial stage of falling in love, you often find yourself in dependency patterns, projections, and expectations towards your partner.
Instead of going into such relationship patterns, you detach yourself from the identification with the pain of past relationships. In doing so, you leave behind the inner relationship prison, created by a false understanding of love that you have inherited from society.
If you consciously perceive your fears in moments of difficulty, you do not need to go into avoidance, which prevents you from allowing physical and emotional closeness.
You discover how to be close to someone while allowing yourself freedom.
Discover your inner truth and a freedom that makes you love unconditionally.
You will look at your dreams about love, passion, sexuality and the shadow side of love to transform these powerful energies into harmony, intimacy, trust and depth.
Instead of falling in love, you learn how to rise in love!
By respecting yourself and your own feelings, you can realise the difference between emotion and true feelings, and you will encounter others more deeply.
A new trust grows that was previously unimaginable. In this inner freedom, it is easy to live love in a way that is not bound to conditions.
We discover and explore with:
presence instead of relationship patterns
how to stay with an open heart in moments of difficulties
recognising projections of victim and offender
how to live freedom in a relationship
overcoming unconscious strategies to keep always the same distance
how we entangle others to avoid our fear of being abandoned
This workshop reflects our relationship issues and uses individual processing to identify our dependency patterns. We will be supported by centering exercises, conscious breathing, guided meditations and exercises in which we can open our hearts to each other in new and healthy ways.
Love is very rare. To meet a person at his center is to pass through a revolution yourself, because if you want to meet a person at his center you will have to allow that person to reach to your center also….
In your love, fear is always there. […] Then it is not love, then it is just an arrangement of two fearful persons depending on each other, fighting, exploiting, manipulating, controlling, dominating, possessing – but it is not love.