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Enlightenment of the Heart

29. April 2022, 17:00 - 01. May 2022, 17:00


Workshops about consciousness are an opportunity to discover a new awareness and deeper layers of yourself through meditation techniques and conscious relating.

A new sensitive aliveness awakens out of relaxation and brings a breeze of the silent bliss of your buddha-nature within.

By getting to know your spiritual heart, you can easily bring a taste of meditation into your life.

Enlightenment of the Heart

A 2-day meditation seminar for advanced participants in Germany

The enlightenment of the heart allows the divine intention to come forth into an expression through you.

Reconnect with the silence and the empty, open space of the spiritual heart. There you are ready at any moment to receive the energy of the divine sun.

From this stillness, you can allow the divine principle to come forth and express itself through you in a moving meditation.

Heilige Praktiken einer uralten Tradition im Himalaya zur Vertiefung deiner Meditation.

Techniques of an ancient tradition in the Himalayas to deepen your meditation.


When meditation has become your daily practice and you are committed to the Solar Tradition, you can be initiated into the the first of a series of advanced meditation techniques.

These pure and sacred meditation practices represent the highest form of meditation.

All initiations are traditionally free of charge!
They take place on the Friday evening before the seminars in the same seminar house, further details are available on request.

My religion is love.
Every heart is my temple.


Fixed Booking:

    • Yes, my registration is binding

      I have read and accepted the terms and conditions and accept the privacy policy

    • captcha

    • Before you submit the form, please make sure that all the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are filled out.

      After you have submitted the booking form, you will receive an automatic response with information concerning the credit transfer of the deposit. If you don’t receive any mail, please contact us!

      We need a separate registration for each participant, so if you are coming with your partner, please fill out the form for each person individually.

      On sending the form, the registration for the workshop and the booking for the seminar house are binding!

      We reserve your workshop place after receiving your deposit. For further information please see conditions of participation.


    29. April 2022, 17:00
    01. May 2022, 17:00
    Event Category:
    Event Tags:
    , , , ,


    Yoga studio Fabrik Sonntag
    Fabrik Sonntag, House 3
    Waldkirch, 79183 Deutschland
    + Google Map


    € 220 until 1.3.2022
    single room € 35-80, double room € 30 – 60, vegetarian meals € 40


    Fixed Booking:

      • Yes, my registration is binding

        I have read and accepted the terms and conditions and accept the privacy policy

      • captcha

      • Before you submit the form, please make sure that all the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are filled out.

        After you have submitted the booking form, you will receive an automatic response with information concerning the credit transfer of the deposit. If you don’t receive any mail, please contact us!

        We need a separate registration for each participant, so if you are coming with your partner, please fill out the form for each person individually.

        On sending the form, the registration for the workshop and the booking for the seminar house are binding!

        We reserve your workshop place after receiving your deposit. For further information please see conditions of participation.