How far you allow others to approach you, depends a lot on how your own female and male sides are cooperating with each other.
You will explore these parts and their inner connection to each other and recognise how they are reflected in your external relationships.
It’s a whole new path in your love relationships. You learn to understand your inner conflicts and mutual boundaries, and the need to project them onto your partner dissolves.
The insights into the feminine and the masculine deepen in you, and these learn to have a loving relationship with each other. This will make your relationship with your partner more harmonious.
Harmonious relationships through understanding the behavior of the opposite sex.
Love as a state of being is not dependent on someone else, but unfolds as a fragrance of your open heart!
It brings a natural grace into your life
By exploring your male and female sides and their inner relationship with each other, you will encounter others from an inner connection to yourself.
You will develop a better understanding of the behavior of the opposite sex.
It will be easier for you to allow closeness with other people and the often subtle fear of love and intimacy can dissolve.
This opens the way for this love which is our deepest longing and springs from our true nature to be really lived.
A loving state of harmony with yourself and others will become more natural.
This new self-confidence naturally makes it possible, to approach the opposite sex more openly.
Book excerpt Love is Life, Spersa
True intimacy comes from a deeper understanding of your own male and female parts
We explore and experiment with:
… our inner male and female parts
… how they encounter or unconsciously avoid each other
… their behavioral patterns, which we often adopt from our parents
… which part weakens us by manipulation or control
… ways to establishing a supportive connection between both parts
In gentle, deep exercises, your awareness of the issues of your love relationship will grow.
In this workshop, you do not necessarily have to participate with a partner. But as a couple it can be an experience that provides deep insights on how to live your relationship more harmoniously.
Your male and female parts can learn to live complementarily
rather than having to confront each other.
It will be reflected in your external relationship
and positively influence it.