Terms of participation
If you are unable to attend the booked workshop, we charge a processing fee of € 120 and for the journey to India additional € 300 for the booked accommodations. If we offer the same workshop another time, we can agree to you swooping the dates.
If you cancel 7-30 days before the start of the workshop, we charge 40% of the workshop price plus possible seminar house fees, which vary according to the seminar house. In case of doubt, please contact the seminar house.
For cancellations less than 7 days prior to the start of the workshop, or if you don’t come or decide to leave prematurely, you will have to pay the full price of the workshop and the total costs for the seminar house.
Should we have to cancel the workshop, we will of course return all payments for the workshop. In case the workshop is not happening, we inform you. Each participant is responsible for his arrival and departure and in case we need to cancel a workshop, we can not refund your flights or travel expenses. Further claims are excluded.
A seminar cancellation insurance can be taken with various insurance companies. The contract has to be made close to the booking date.
All participants agree not to disclose the personal interests of other participants to a third party and to protect their personal and professional integrity. The participants are aware of the fact that the workshop requires an openness regarding their own biographical and emotional processes. Participation in all workshops and supporting programs are at your own risk.
I understand the instructions given by the workshop leaders as suggestions, the carrying out of which I decide myself and take responsibility for my actions. Workshop facilitators, organizers and hosts are freed from any liability claims. I will take over the liability for damages which I inflict on myself or other persons or things. If I am having medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, or have other health problems and need to take medicine, I will inform the workshop leaders.
The course does not replace any psychotherapeutic or medical treatment!
If you are in therapy, clarify with us in time, whether a participation is meaningful. If a participant does not have a sufficient amount of self-responsibility to avoid disturbing the group process during the seminar, the group leader has the right at all times to exclude the person from the workshop.
We do not take any liability for loss of valuables.
Participation in the workshops is for my own personal development and I hereby agree not to use exercises, materials and techniques that are taught in the art of love-workshops for teaching others and will refrain from conducting workshops before having completed the training and related assistantships that are required for teaching.
The general place of jurisdiction for all contract issues is Freiburg.
I have read and agree to the above-mentioned terms and conditions, otherwise I will contact the workshop leaders.