Seminars about consciousness are an opportunity to discover a new awareness and deeper layers of yourself through meditation techniques and conscious relating.
A new sensitive aliveness awakens out of relaxation and brings a breeze of the silent bliss of your buddha-nature within.
By getting to know your spiritual heart, you can easily bring a taste of meditation into your life.
A 2-day meditation seminar for beginners and advanced participants in Germany
In this seminar you can deepen the silence of your meditation.
Learn to get deeper in your meditation and let yourself sink into an inner silence.
By practicing Apanasati, the technique of becoming aware about your breathing, you become present.
Vairagya gives you equanimity and detachment and the ability to bring peace to the mind.
Meditation brings order into your life!
The silent recitation of a mantra and nirodhyama, the art of transcendence and letting go of all effort, allow you to glide into full silence.
A 2-day meditation seminar for beginners and advanced participants in Germany
We believe we are the appearance and forget that we are the silence from where everything arises.
In-depth mantra meditations take you into silence and transcendence. They consist of a combination of sacred sounds and will bring you back home.
On the way to freedom, you move from more rough into finer perceptions.
Let go of the limitations of your ego in favour of expansion and luminosity. Until a moment when you are in tune and experience oneness.
The Power of Transformation
A 2-day meditation seminar for beginners and advanced participants in Germany

Meditation for transformation on the path of enlightenment.
Are you drawn to the Solar tradition and you would like to go deeper?
Then this seminar is the entry point for more advanced techniques, which are considered the highest form of meditation.
We first look at which of the 9 clinging kleshas are preventing you from effortlessly sliding into meditation.
These insights will help you stay focused in your meditation!
The free initiation into the first KRIYA technique paves the way for meditations that not only bring relaxation but also enable transformation.
A 2-day meditation seminar for advanced participants in Germany

Enlightenment of the heart to allow the divine principle to come forth through you.
Reconnect with the silence and the empty, open space of the spiritual heart. There you are ready at any moment to receive the energy of the divine sun.
From this stillness, you can allow the divine principle to come forth and express itself through you in a moving meditation.
When meditation has become your daily practice and you are committed to the Solar Tradition, you can be initiated into the the first of a series of advanced meditation techniques. These pure and sacred meditation practices represent the highest form of meditation.
All initiations are traditionally free of charge.